One Word SubstituteOne Word SubstituteSynergy Exam Study Material PDF Compilation – TME / Engine Cadet – Click Here Table of Contents TogglePractice Test 1Practice Test 2Practice Test 3Practice Test 4Practice Test 5Practice Test 6 Other Tests :Practice Test 1 One Word Substitutes - Part 1 1. One who does not marry, especially as a religious obligation Recluse Vigin Celibate Bachelor None 2. The part of government which is concerned with making of rules Court Tribunal Bar Legislature None 3. One who is determined to exact full vengeance for wrongs done to him Vindictive Usurer Virulent Vindicator None 4. An expression of mild disapproval Impertinence Denigration Warning Reproof None 5. A school boy who cuts classes frequently is a Defeatist Sycophant Martinet Truant None 6. A person who tries to deceive people by claiming to be able to do wonderful things Magician Trickster Imposter Mountebank None 7. One who dabbles in fine arts for the love of it and not for monetary gains Professional Dilettante Connoisseur Amateur None 8. Murder of a king Regicide Matricide Infanticide Genocide None 9. A dramatic performance Mascot Mosque Masque Mask None 10. Policeman riding on motorcycles as guards to a VIP Commandos Attendants Outriders Servants None 11. One absorbed in his own thoughts and feelings rather than in things outside Recluse Intellectual Introvert Scholar None 12. Very pleasing to eat Appetising Palatable Sumptuous Tantalising None 13. Ready to believe Credulous Credible Incredible Creditable None 14. Medical study of skin and its diseases Orthopaedics Endocrinology Dermatology Gynealogy None 15. That which is perceptible by touch is Tenacious Contingent Contagious Tangible None Time's upPractice Test 2 One Word Substitutes - Part 2 1. To walk with slow or regular Steps is to Pace Limp Advance Stride None 2. Having superior or intellectual interests and tastes Sophisticated Elite Fastidious Highbrow None 3. A government by the nobles Democracy Autocracy Bureaucracy Aristocracy None 4. A voice loud enough to be heard Applaudable Laudable Oral Audible None 5. To cause troops, etc. to spread out in readiness for battle Align Collocate Deploy Disperse None 6. Present opposing arguments or evidence Rebuff Rebut Reprimand Criticise None 7. Something that relates to everyone in the world General Common Universal Usual None 8. Of outstanding significance Monumental Ominous Evident Rational None 9. Murder of a brother Patricide Fratricide Homicide Regicide None 10. A light sailing boat built specially for racing Dinghy Frigate Yacht Canoe None 11. One who believes that all things and events in life are predetermined is a Fatalist Puritan Egoist Tyrant None 12. The policy of extending a country's empire and influence Internationalism Imperialism Capitalism Communism None 13. One who is in charge of museum Curator Warden Caretaker Supervisor None 14. One who is honourably discharged from service Emeritus Emancipated Retired Relieved None 15. A style full of words Abundant Verbose Pedantic Rhetorical None Time's up Practice Test 3 One Word Substitutes – Part 3 1. Words inscribed on tomb Epistle Epitaph Epilogue Epitome None 2. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool Senility Imbecility Superannuation Dotage None 3. That which cannot be corrected Unintelligible Indelible Incorrigible Illegible None 4. One who possesses many talents Gifted Exceptional Nubile Versatile None 5. A person who insists on something Instantaneous Stickler Disciplinarian Boaster None 6. A prima facie case is such As it seems to the court after a number of hearings As it seems at first sight As it turns out to be at the end As it is made to seem at first sight None 7. One who has little faith in human sincerity and goodness Fatalist Cynic Stoic Egoist None 8. List of the business or subjects to be considered at a meeting Timetable Plan Agenda Schedule None 9. A person who knows many foreign languages Grammarian Bilingual Polyglot Linguist None 10. A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge Verbose Pompous Pedantic Ornate None 11. State in which the few govern the many Oligarchy Plutocracy Autocracy Monarchy None 12. A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power Expert Snob Intellectual Literate None 13. The study of ancient societies History Anthropology Ethnology Archaeology None 14. A person pretending to be somebody he is not Liar Rogue Imposter Magician None 15. Leave or remove from a place considered dangerous Evade Avoid Evacuate Exterminate None Time's upPractice Test 4 One Word Substitutes – Part 4 1. That which cannot be seen Intangible Insensible Unseen Invisible None 2. One who is not easily pleased by anything Fastidious Maiden Mediaeval Precarious None 3. Tending to move away from the centre or axis Centrifugal Axiomatic Awry Centripetal None 4. One who eats everything Omnivorous Irrestible Omniscient Insolvent None 5. One who is fond of fighting Militant Belligerent Aggressive Bellicose None 6. In a state of tension or anxiety or suspense Off balance On tenterhooks Diffused Depressed None 7. Malafide case is one Which is undertaken in a bad faith Which is undertaken in a good faith Which is undertaken after a long delay Which is not undertaken at all None 8. Teetotaller means One who abstains from taking wine One who abstains from malice One who abstains from meat One who abstains from theft None 9. A person interested in collecting, studying and selling of old things Junk-dealer Archealogist Crank Antiquarian None 10. A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics, etc. Stall Booth Store Boutique None 11. The custom or practice of having more than one husband at same time Polychromy Polygyny Polyandry Polyphony None 12. That which cannot be read Ineligible Incorrigible Illegible Negligible None 13. A remedy for all diseases Stoic Recompense Marvel Panacea None 14. To slap with a flat object Gnaw Hew Swat Chop None 15. A drawing on transparent paper Blue print Red print Negative Transparency None Time's upPractice Test 5 One Word Substitutes – Part 5 1. One who cannot be corrected Hardened Incorrigible Invulnerable Incurable None 2. Habitually silent or talking little Unequivocal Taciturn Synoptic Servile None 3. A religious discourse Sermon Stanza Preach Sanctorum None 4. A child born after death of his father Orphan Bastard Progenitor Posthumous None 5. A name adopted by an author in his writings Pseudonym Title Nomenclature Nickname None 6. A paper written by hand Handicraft Handiwork Manuscript Thesis None 7. The raison d'etre of a controversy is The reason or justification of its existence The fitness with which participants handle it The enthusiasm with which it is kept alive The unending hostility the parties concerned have towards each other None 8. A place where bees are kept in called A sanctury A hive An apiary A mole None 9. The act of violating the sanctity of the church is Desecration Sacrilege Heresy Blashphemy None 10. A person who speaks many languages Linguist Polyglot Monolingual Bilingual None 11. One who does not believe in existence of god Egoist Naive Atheist Stoic None 12. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river's banks Archipelago Hinterland Swamps Isthmus None 13. The absence of law and order Rebellion Revolt Mutiny Anarchy None 14. Study of birds Ophthalmology Orology Ornithology Optology None 15. A person not sure of the existence of god Atheist Agnostic Theist Cynic None 16. Study of the evolution of man as an animal Chronology Archaeology Anthropology Ethnology None 17. A place that provides refuge Sanatorium Shelter Orphanage Asylum None 18. Something that can be heard Auditory Audio-visual Audition Audible None 19. A disease of mind causing an uncontrollable desire to steal Magolomania Schizophrenia Kleptomania Claustrophobia None 20. Be the embodiment or perfect example of Personify Idol Characterise Signify None Time's upPractice Test 6 One Word Substitutes – Part 6 1. To take secretly in small quantities Theft Pilferage Robbery Defalcation None 2. One who sacrifices his life for a cause Revolutionary Patriot Soldier Martyr None 3. One who does not care for literature or art Illiterate Philistine Barbarian Primitive None 4. A person who brings goods illegally into the country Importer Exporter Fraud Smuggler None 5. A large sleeping-room with many beds Hostel Bedroom Basement Dormitory None 6. Giving undue favours to one's own kith and kin Corruption Favouritism Wordliness Nepotism None 7. Hater of learning and knowledge Bibliophile Misogynist Misanthropist Misologist None 8. To accustom oneself to a foreign climate Accustom Adopt Adapt Acclimatise None 9. One who knows everything Omniscient Omnipotent Scholar Literate None 10. A building for storing threshed grain Dockyard Store Granary Hangar None 11. Continuing fight between parties, families, clans, etc. Enmity Feud Quarrel Skirmish None 12. Detailed plan of journey Schedule Travelkit Itinerary Travelogue None 13. A place where monks live as a secluded community Diocese Cathedral Convent Monastery None 14. Incapable of being seen through Opaque Ductile Potable Obsolete None 15. A person interested in reading books and nothing else Book-worm Book-keepr Student Scholar None Time's up Other Tests :SynonymsAntonymsTechnical Questions (TME) SHARE THIS POST Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Telegram WhatsApp