dg shipping current news

dg shipping current news

Dg shipping issues a lot of new rules and regulations regarding the conduct of seafarers and the Maritime Training institutes for the Training and also for conducting the courses. And being a seafarer you must be aware of the latest decision taken by our Government for the Marine Industry. On this page you will find each and every important notifications released by the DG Shipping or DG Shipping Current News.

1.DGS Circular No. 22 of 2020 – Allotment of Unique Identification Number to Principal/Faculty and Instructors – reg.


2.Draft MS Notice YY of 2020 for stakeholder consultation. Comments to be sent to gp.shenoy@gov.in copy to sankar.d@gov.in, na-dgs@nic.in by 07.06.2020

Issued date :-01/06/20203

3.Administration Branch – RFP for selection of System Integrator for Video Conferencing Solution Based Oral Examination – reg.
Issued Date :-01/06/20204

4.Count of Indian Seafarers Signed on/Signed off during Lockdown since 23.03.2020.
Issued Date:-02/06/20205

5.Addendum to Merchant Shipping Notice No.9 of 2020 – Launch of E-module for reporting of Indian seafarers awaiting their repatriation at foreign port/ship due to Covid-19 pandemic – reg
Issued Date:-29/05/20206

6.Garbage collection from ships calling at ports and reception facility to all the ships calling their ports
IMS Notice 10 of 2020

Issued Date:-27/05/20207

7.The draft Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships) Rules, 2020, are proposed to be notified. The stakeholders concerned may send their comments/ suggestions till 28th June, 2020, on following e-mail IDs – amohd-dgs@nic.in, vikrant.rai@gov.in, rajeshkumar-dgs@gov.in, msl-dgs@nic.in.
Issued Date:-28/05/20208

8.DGS Circular 21 of 2020 – Issuance of digitally signed certificates for successfully completing maritime courses conducted by Maritime Training Institutes – reg.

9.DGS Circular 20 of 2020 – Format of Pre-sea course completion certificates issued by the Maritime Training Institutes – reg.

10.SWFS Circular No. 01 of 2020 – Welfare scheme for Seafarers and their families who suffer from novel coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak – reg


11.Merchant Shipping Notice No. 9 of 2020 – Launch of E-module for reporting of Indian seafarers awaiting their repatriation at foreign port/ship due to Covid-19 pendemic – reg

12.DGS Order 13 of 2020 – Extension to the Validity of Seafarers Certificates and Ships Statutory Certificates Periodical Surveys and Audits in view of COVID-19 pandemic.

13.DGS Circular 19 of 2020 – Conduct of maritime courses using Virtual classes / Live Video sessions – reg.

14.Clarification to DGS Order 12 of 2020
Clarification to DGS Order 12 of 2020 (17.05.2020)17/05/202015

15.FAQ for Controlled Crew Change (15.05.2020)
FAQ for Controlled Crew Change (15.05.2020)15/05/202016

16.Engineering Wing – Notice to Engineering Candidates regarding conduct of Oral Examination.

17.Addendum No. 2 to DGS Order 12 of 2020
Addendum No. 2 to DGS Order 12 of 202008/05/202018

18.MS Notice no. 08 of 2020 – Monitoring of Indian Flagged Vessels – reg.

19.Addendum 1 to DGS Order 12 of 2020 Controlled crew change at anchorage
Addendum 1 to DGS Order 12 of 2020 Controlled crew change at anchorage06/05/202020

20.Standard Operating Procedures / Protocols (SOP) for controlled crew change
DGS Order 12 of 202022/04/202021

21.Extension to the validity of ship sanitation certificate for all Indian registered v/ls operating on the coast of India in view of COVID-19 outbreak
DGS Order 09 of 202003/04/202022

22.Piracy Advisory 02 of 2020 – Maritime Security Advisory – Best Management Practices (BMP) to deter piracy and enhance maritime security off the coast of West Africa including the Gulf of Guinea – reg.

23.Maritime advisory on novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
Addendum No. 03 to DGS Order 04 of 202001/04/202024

24.Guidelines on rational use of Personal Protective Equipment’s (PPE’s) – reg.
Addendum No. 2 to DGS Order No. 04 of 202025/03/202025

25.DGS ORDER 02 OF 2020 – Instructions on dealing with novel coronavirus (COVID – 19) -reg

26.List of candidates whose emigrat activated.

27.High Voltage Training course not Mandatory for Certificate of Competency Examination / revalidation by Engineer Officers and Electro Technical Officers

28.Engagement of Indians holding Certificate of Competency (CoC) issued under STCW Regulation II/2 and III/3 from Australia, Singapore, Ireland and New Zealand, in addition to UK, to sail on Indian flag vessels

29.Re-evaluation of written and oral examinations of Nautical and Engineering grade examinations

30.Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund

31.Inactive MSVs in India Book1 as compiled on 15.08.14

32.Active MSVs in India Book1 as compiled on 12.01.15

33.N O T I C E T O S E A F A R E R S

34.M. S. Notice 12 of 2014 – Revision of fees to be charged by INDOS Cell.

35.N O T I C E – for seafarers / companies

36.Engineering Branch Notice to all Stakeholders – Results for MEO Grade Examinations

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