The basic principle of SONIC CLEANING is to create a sound wave with an energy level that exceeds the forces that tend to cause particles suspended in a gas flow to adhere to each other and surrounding surfaces, i.e. preventing by breaking up the build – up particles before they form a hard layer.
The cleaning result is achieved by activating one or more sound emitters at intervals and frequencies which is suitable for the specific conditions of the exhaust tunnel uptake.
There are many advantages of the Sonic Cleaning. Sonic Cleaning is a very cost-effective way to keep internal surfaces clean.
•The favorable economy is evident in low investment costs.
• The continuous cleaning process improves the efficiency of the heat exchange over the long term, which also results in improved environmental characteristics.
• The Sonic Cleaning Method works continuously during the host operation.
• The system reduces / replaces manual washing of water.
• Prevent fire in the stack
• Reduce peak smoke density.
• Sonic cleaning also ensures constant, lower back pressure for the turbo charger.
Furthermore, the life of the boiler tube is considerably longer as the system unlike steam soot blowers operates dry. It is also important to reduce the accumulation of soot, which means no soot flakes on the deck.
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