Extrusion Process : Working, Types, Application, Advantages and Disadvantages

extrusion definition

Extrusion, In the context of manufacturing and engineering, refers to a process where a material is forced through a die to create a continuous shape with a specific cross-sectional profile. This process is commonly used for producing various products, such as pipes, tubes, rods, and profiles made from metals, plastics, or other materials.



During extrusion, the material is typically heated and softened, allowing it to flow more easily. It is then fed into a hopper and pushed through a cylindrical chamber, where it encounters a rotating screw. The screw rotates and moves the material forward, exerting pressure on it to force it through a specially designed opening called a die. The die imparts the desired shape to the material as it emerges on the other side.

Extrusion offers several advantages in manufacturing. It enables the production of complex shapes with consistent dimensions and smooth surfaces. The process can be used to create long lengths of the product, which can then be cut into desired sizes. Additionally, extrusion allows for high production rates and is often cost-effective for large-scale manufacturing.

There are different types of extrusion processes, including hot extrusion and cold extrusion. Hot extrusion involves heating the material above its recrystallization temperature, while cold extrusion is performed at or near room temperature. The choice between these methods depends on the material properties, desired product characteristics, and manufacturing requirements.

Overall, extrusion is a versatile manufacturing process widely utilized in various industries to produce a wide range of products with consistent shapes, sizes, and properties.

history of extrusion

The history of extrusion dates back to the late 18th century when the concept was first introduced by Joseph Bramah, an engineer who patented the process in 1797. Initially, Bramah’s extrusion method involved preheating metal and forcing it through a die cavity using a hand-driven plunger to create pipes from billets.

Following Bramah’s invention, the hydraulic process was developed. Thomas Burr, building upon the hydraulic press technology, combined it with the basic extrusion technique to produce hollow pipes. Burr’s innovation was patented in 1820.

As industrialization progressed, the need for extrusion technology grew. However, initially, the process was not suitable for working with hard metals. In 1894, Thomas Burr introduced the use of copper and brass alloys in extrusion, marking a significant evolution in the extrusion technique.

Since its initial invention, extrusion has undergone continuous development and refinement. Over time, a variety of extrusion techniques have emerged, enabling the production of a wide range of products with complex structures, all while minimising costs. Today, extrusion is a fundamental process utilised across numerous industries for manufacturing various components, profiles, and objects.

extrusion process working

The extrusion process involves several key steps to transform a raw material into a continuous shaped product. Here is a general overview of how the extrusion process works:

  1. Material Preparation: The first step is to prepare the material for extrusion. The raw material, which can be in the form of pellets, granules, powders, or even a molten state, is usually fed into a hopper.
  2. Heating: If the material is not already in a molten state, it needs to be heated to a specific temperature suitable for extrusion. Heating can be done using various methods, such as electrical heaters, frictional heat generated by the extruder screw, or external heating elements.
  3. Extruder: The heated material is fed into an extruder, which is a cylindrical chamber with a rotating screw. The screw helps to convey the material forward while also melting and mixing it. As the material moves along the screw, it undergoes heating, compression, and shearing.
  4. Die and Die Opening: At the end of the extruder, the material encounters a specially designed opening called a die. The die determines the shape and size of the extruded product. It has a profile that matches the desired cross-sectional shape of the final product.
  5. Pressure and Force: As the material enters the die, pressure builds up within the extruder. This pressure forces the material through the die opening, shaping it into the desired form. The amount of pressure applied depends on the material properties and the design of the die.
  6. Cooling and Solidification: Once the material passes through the die, it enters a cooling zone. In this zone, the extruded product is cooled rapidly to solidify and maintain its shape. Cooling can be achieved using air, water, or other cooling methods depending on the material being extruded.
  7. Sizing and Cutting: After solidification, the extruded product may undergo further processes such as sizing and cutting. Sizing can involve passing the product through calibrated rollers or other tools to achieve precise dimensions. Cutting can be performed using saws, blades, or other cutting mechanisms to obtain the desired lengths.
  8. Finishing and Post-Processing: Depending on the specific requirements of the product, additional post-processing steps may be performed. This can include surface treatments, machining, drilling, or other operations to enhance the final product’s functionality or appearance.

Overall, the extrusion process enables the continuous production of various products with consistent shapes and dimensions. By controlling factors such as temperature, pressure, and die design, manufacturers can create a wide range of extruded products to meet specific application needs.

types of extrusion

Here are detailed explanations of the different types of extrusion processes you mentioned, with additional information:

1. Hot extrusion: Hot extrusion is a process where the material is heated above its recrystallization temperature before being forced through a die. The elevated temperature softens the material, reducing its resistance to deformation and making it easier to shape. Hot extrusion is commonly used for materials like aluminum, copper, and steel, as they require high temperatures to achieve the desired form.

Hot extrusion

2. Cold extrusion: Cold extrusion, as the name suggests, is performed at or near room temperature. Unlike hot extrusion, the material is not significantly heated during the process. Cold extrusion is often used for materials that are prone to oxidation or have low ductility at higher temperatures. It allows for precise shaping of the material while maintaining its mechanical properties.

Cold extrusion

3. Warm extrusion: Warm extrusion is conducted at an intermediate temperature, typically below the recrystallization temperature of the material but above room temperature. The moderate temperature allows for improved ductility and reduced force requirements during extrusion. Warm extrusion finds applications in materials that are sensitive to high temperatures or require enhanced formability.

4. Friction extrusion: Friction extrusion involves the generation of heat through mechanical friction between the material and the die. The heat softens the material, making it easier to extrude. Friction extrusion is commonly used for joining materials or for recycling scrap materials. It offers advantages such as reduced energy consumption and the ability to process materials that are difficult to extrude by conventional methods.

Friction extrusion

5. Micro extrusion: Micro extrusion is a specialized form of extrusion used to produce micro-sized components. It involves extruding small amounts of material through very fine dies, typically with dimensions in the micrometer range. Micro extrusion is employed in industries such as electronics, medical devices, and microfluidics, where precise miniature parts are required.

Micro extrusion

6. Direct extrusion: In direct extrusion, also known as forward extrusion, the material is placed in a container and forced through a die in a single continuous process. The extruded material passes directly through the die and emerges on the other side. Direct extrusion is a widely used method due to its simplicity and efficiency in producing long, solid shapes with a constant cross-section.

Direct extrusion

7. Indirect extrusion: Indirect extrusion, also known as backward extrusion, involves the use of a hollow ram to force the material through a die. The material moves in the opposite direction of the ram’s motion. Indirect extrusion is often used when the extruded material requires additional support or when complex shapes are desired. It offers advantages such as improved surface finish and enhanced control over the extrusion process.

Indirect extrusion

8. Hydrostatic extrusion: Hydrostatic extrusion is a variation of extrusion where the material is surrounded by a fluid, typically oil or water, which helps transmit the force to the material and reduces friction. The hydrostatic pressure exerted by the fluid assists in extruding the material through the die. This process is commonly used for materials that are difficult to extrude or require enhanced control over the extrusion process, such as certain alloys and composite materials.

Hydrostatic extrusion

9. Impact extrusion: Impact extrusion involves striking a metal slug or billet with a punch or die to force the material to flow and take the shape of the die. The high-speed impact creates intense pressure, causing the material to deform and fill the die cavity. Impact extrusion is commonly used for producing hollow parts with high strength, such as metal cans or tubes. It offers advantages such as rapid production and cost-effectiveness.

Impact extrusion

These are some of the different types of extrusion processes commonly used in various industries for shaping and forming materials. Each process has its advantages and applications, allowing manufacturers to choose the most suitable method based on the material properties, desired product characteristics, and production requirements.

application of extrusion

Extrusion is a versatile manufacturing process that is widely used in various industries. Here are some common applications of extrusion:

  1. Aluminum and Metal Extrusion: One of the most common applications of extrusion is in the production of aluminum and metal profiles. Extruded aluminum is used extensively in construction, automotive, aerospace, and consumer goods industries. The process allows for the creation of complex cross-sectional profiles with consistent dimensions and excellent surface finish.
  2. Plastic Extrusion: Extrusion is widely used in the production of plastic products. Plastic pellets or granules are melted and forced through a die to create continuous profiles, such as pipes, tubes, sheets, and films. Plastic extrusion is used in industries such as packaging, construction, automotive, and electronics.
  3. Food Processing: Extrusion plays a crucial role in the food industry. It is used to produce various food products such as pasta, breakfast cereals, snacks, pet food, and textured vegetable proteins. The extrusion process allows for precise control of cooking, shaping, and texturizing of the food products.
  4. Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications: Extrusion is employed in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of drug delivery systems, such as capsules, tablets, and implants. Medical tubing, catheters, and various implantable devices are also manufactured using extrusion processes.
  5. Rubber Extrusion: Rubber extrusion is utilized in the production of various rubber profiles and seals. It is commonly used in automotive applications for manufacturing weatherstripping, gaskets, and hoses. Rubber extrusion is also employed in the construction industry for producing seals and profiles used in windows, doors, and other applications.
  6. 3D Printing Filaments: The process of extrusion is used in the production of filaments for 3D printers. Plastic or metal materials are melted and extruded through a nozzle to create continuous filaments, which are then used as the printing material in additive manufacturing processes.
  7. Wire and Cable Coating: Extrusion is employed in the wire and cable industry to coat conductive wires with insulation materials. The process ensures uniform insulation thickness and provides protection against environmental factors and electrical interference.
  8. Composite Materials: Extrusion is utilized in the production of composite materials, where fibers, such as carbon or glass, are combined with a polymer matrix. The extrusion process allows for the creation of continuous composite profiles, sheets, and rods used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and sporting goods.

These are just a few examples of the many applications of extrusion. The versatility of the process makes it a valuable technique in various industries, enabling the efficient production of complex profiles and continuous materials.

factors affecting extrusion process

Certainly! There are several factors that can affect the extrusion force required in the extrusion process. These factors include:

  1. Material properties: The properties of the material being extruded have a significant impact on the extrusion force. Factors such as the material’s hardness, strength, ductility, and viscosity influence how easily it can be deformed. Materials with higher strength and hardness require more force to extrude compared to softer and more ductile materials.
  2. Temperature: The temperature at which the extrusion process is conducted affects the extrusion force. Heating the material above its recrystallization temperature can reduce its strength and increase its ductility, making it easier to extrude and requiring less force. Conversely, extruding materials at lower temperatures or near room temperature may increase the force required due to reduced ductility and increased resistance to deformation.
  3. Die design: The design of the extrusion die can significantly impact the extrusion force. Factors such as the die angle, die shape, and the size of the die opening influence the flow characteristics of the material. A well-designed die with appropriate dimensions and angles can help reduce the required extrusion force by facilitating smoother material flow.
  4. Billet or feedstock properties: The properties of the initial billet or feedstock used in the extrusion process can affect the extrusion force. Factors such as the billet size, shape, and homogeneity play a role. Uneven or non-uniform billet properties can lead to variations in the extrusion force required.
  5. Lubrication: The use of lubricants or coatings during the extrusion process can affect the extrusion force. Proper lubrication reduces friction between the material and the die, facilitating smoother material flow and reducing the force required for extrusion.
  6. Speed of extrusion: The speed at which the material is extruded can influence the extrusion force. Higher extrusion speeds may require more force due to the increased resistance encountered during rapid deformation. Slower extrusion speeds allow for more controlled material flow and can reduce the force required.
  7. Geometry and complexity of the extruded shape: The complexity and geometry of the desired extruded shape can impact the extrusion force. Shapes with intricate features, sharp corners, or changes in cross-section may require higher forces due to increased material deformation and flow resistance.
  8. Machine and equipment parameters: Various machine and equipment parameters, such as the ram speed, pressure control, and tooling condition, can affect the extrusion force. Proper calibration and maintenance of the equipment ensure optimal performance and help achieve the desired extrusion force.

These factors interact with each other, and their combined effect determines the extrusion force required for a specific application. Manufacturers carefully consider these factors and optimize the process parameters to achieve the desired extrusion force while maintaining product quality and efficiency.

material used in extrusion process

In the extrusion process, a wide range of materials can be used depending on the desired properties and applications of the final product. Some common materials used in extrusion processes include:

  1. Metals:
  • Aluminum: Aluminum extrusions are widely used due to their lightweight, corrosion resistance, and excellent strength-to-weight ratio. They find applications in industries such as construction, automotive, aerospace, and electronics.
  • Copper: Copper extrusions are known for their excellent electrical conductivity and thermal properties. They are commonly used in electrical wiring, heat exchangers, and various electronic components.
  • Steel: Steel extrusions offer high strength and durability. They are used in structural applications, such as building frameworks, automotive components, and machinery parts.
  1. Polymers:
  • Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): PVC extrusions are widely used in the construction industry for applications such as window frames, pipes, and profiles.
  • Polyethylene (PE): PE extrusions are versatile and used in various industries, including packaging, pipes, and electrical insulation.
  • Polypropylene (PP): PP extrusions have excellent chemical resistance and are used in automotive components, packaging, and consumer goods.
  • Polystyrene (PS): PS extrusions are used in applications such as foam insulation, disposable packaging, and consumer products.
  • Polyethylene terephthalate (PET): PET extrusions are commonly used for plastic bottles, food containers, and packaging materials.
  1. Composite Materials:
  • Fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP): FRP extrusions combine the strength and stiffness of fibers, such as carbon or glass, with a polymer matrix. They are used in industries like aerospace, automotive, and construction.
  • Wood-plastic composites (WPC): WPC extrusions combine wood fibers or flour with a polymer matrix, resulting in a material that offers the appearance and workability of wood with improved durability and moisture resistance.
  1. Other Materials:
  • Rubber: Rubber extrusions are used in applications requiring flexibility, sealing, and vibration dampening, such as automotive seals, gaskets, and weatherstripping.
  • Glass: Glass extrusions are used for specialized applications, including architectural glass profiles, lighting fixtures, and display cases.

It’s important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, as there are numerous materials that can undergo extrusion to create various products. The selection of the material depends on factors such as desired properties, cost, availability, and specific application requirements.

advantages of extrusion

Extrusion is a versatile manufacturing process that is widely used in various industries. Here are some common applications of extrusion:

  1. Aluminum and Metal Extrusion: One of the most common applications of extrusion is in the production of aluminum and metal profiles. Extruded aluminum is used extensively in construction, automotive, aerospace, and consumer goods industries. The process allows for the creation of complex cross-sectional profiles with consistent dimensions and excellent surface finish.
  2. Plastic Extrusion: It is widely used in the production of plastic products. Plastic pellets or granules are melted and forced through a die to create continuous profiles, such as pipes, tubes, sheets, and films. Plastic extrusion is used in industries such as packaging, construction, automotive, and electronics.
  3. Food Processing: It plays a crucial role in the food industry. It is used to produce various food products such as pasta, breakfast cereals, snacks, pet food, and textured vegetable proteins. The extrusion process allows for precise control of cooking, shaping, and texturizing of the food products.
  4. Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications: It is employed in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of drug delivery systems, such as capsules, tablets, and implants. Medical tubing, catheters, and various implantable devices are also manufactured using extrusion processes.
  5. Rubber Extrusion: Rubber extrusion is utilized in the production of various rubber profiles and seals. It is commonly used in automotive applications for manufacturing weatherstripping, gaskets, and hoses. Rubber extrusion is also employed in the construction industry for producing seals and profiles used in windows, doors, and other applications.
  6. 3D Printing Filaments: The process of extrusion is used in the production of filaments for 3D printers. Plastic or metal materials are melted and extruded through a nozzle to create continuous filaments, which are then used as the printing material in additive manufacturing processes.
  7. Wire and Cable Coating: It is employed in the wire and cable industry to coat conductive wires with insulation materials. The process ensures uniform insulation thickness and provides protection against environmental factors and electrical interference.
  8. Composite Materials: It is utilized in the production of composite materials, where fibers, such as carbon or glass, are combined with a polymer matrix. The extrusion process allows for the creation of continuous composite profiles, sheets, and rods used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and sporting goods.

These are just a few examples of the many applications of extrusion. The versatility of the process makes it a valuable technique in various industries, enabling the efficient production of complex profiles and continuous materials.

disadvantages of extrusion

While extrusion offers numerous advantages, there are also some limitations and disadvantages associated with the process. Here are some of the main disadvantages of extrusion:

  1. High Initial Costs: Setting up an extrusion line requires significant investment in equipment, tooling, and machinery. The initial costs can be substantial, especially for complex extrusion systems or when working with specialized materials.
  2. Limited Shape Complexity: While It allows for the production of a wide range of profiles, there are limitations to the complexity of shapes that can be achieved. Intricate internal features or sharp corners may be challenging to produce through the extrusion process.
  3. Length Limitations: It is generally suitable for producing continuous lengths of profiles or materials. There may be practical limitations on the maximum length of extruded products, which can affect certain applications requiring extremely long lengths.
  4. Material Limitations: While It can work with various materials, certain materials may pose challenges in terms of processability. Some materials may require specialized equipment, processing conditions, or additional additives to facilitate extrusion, which can add complexity and cost to the process.
  5. Material Degradation: The high temperatures involved in extrusion can lead to thermal degradation of certain materials. This can result in changes to the material properties, such as reduced strength or altered chemical composition, which may impact the performance of the final product.
  6. Limited Material Options for Multi-material Extrusion: Multi-material extrusion, where different materials are combined in a single extruded product, can be challenging. It may require precise control over material compatibility, melting temperatures, and flow characteristics, limiting the selection of suitable materials.
  7. Tooling and Maintenance: The dies used in extrusion are subject to wear and require regular maintenance and replacement. Tooling costs can add to the overall expenses, especially for complex or custom profiles.
  8. Dimensional Accuracy and Tolerances: Achieving tight dimensional tolerances can be challenging in extrusion. Factors such as die design, material behavior, cooling, and post-extrusion processes can affect the final dimensions of the extruded product, requiring additional steps for precision machining or further processing.
  9. Cooling and Handling Requirements: Cooling extruded products effectively can be critical to achieving desired properties and dimensional stability. Proper handling and cooling methods may be required, adding complexity and potential bottlenecks to the production process.
  10. Limited Material Recycling: In some cases, this process may limit the ability to recycle materials. For example, multi-layered or composite extrusions may have difficulties separating the different materials for recycling, reducing the overall sustainability of the process.

Despite these disadvantages, extrusion remains a widely used manufacturing process due to its versatility, cost-effectiveness, and ability to produce complex profiles. The limitations can often be addressed through process optimisation, design modifications, and careful selection of materials and equipment.

Reference : https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/materials-science/extrusion

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