What is Hazardous zone ? Hazardous Zone Classification |Zone classification for hazardous area |

Do you know, what is Hazardous Zone ?

In this Article,I have written about  this topic in details.

What is Hazardous Zone ?

A hazardous zone can be characterized as any location where the risk of an explosion is present. But each hazardous zone is different, and depending on the nature of the atmosphere and the conditions present, each has unique requirements.

These zone indicates the probability of an explosive gas -air mixture being present and therefore the likelihood of an explosion occurring.

Hazardous Zone Classification

Zone 0 ( Highly Hazardous ):-

Zone 0 is an area in which an explosive atmosphere is present continuously for long periods of time or will frequently occur.

Explosive gas air mixture is continuous present or present for long periods.

Interior spaces of oil cargo tanks,pipes,pumps etc.

Zone 1 :- ( Hazardous )

Zone 1 is an area where the explosive atmosphere is likely to occur occasionally in normal operation. This can occur due to repair, repairs, or leakage.

Explosive gas air mixture is likely to occur in normal operation.

Enclosed or semi closed spaces on the deck if a tanker,the boiler firing area on a gas carrier using ch4 boil off as a fuel and battery rooms.

Zone 2 :- ( Less hazardous )

Zone 2 is a place where the explosive atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for a short time only. These areas will only become hazardous in the event of an accident or some unusual operating condition.

Explosive gas air mixture is not likely to occur in normal operation and if it occurs ,will exist for only a short time

Open spaces on the deck of a tanker.

Note :-

Cargo pump rooms :- Between zone 1 and zone 2

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