How Vaccum is created in fresh water generator ?

How Vacuum is Created in fresh water generator ?

In This Article,I have added How Vacuum is created in fresh water generator ?

Simply,we can say that vacuum is created simply by using a device called ” Air Ejector ” which work on the principle of venturi Effect.

Let us discuss in details how vacuum created.

First of all we should know about Air Ejector Theory.

Air ejector Theory

It works on the principle of convergent /divergent nozzle as it provides the venturi effect at the point of diffusion as the tube gets narrows at the throat the velocity of the fluid increases and because of the venturi effect it pressure decreases, vacuum will occur in the diffuser throat where the suction line will be provided.

The Combined Air/Brine ejector creates evaporator chamber vacuum condition by driving sea water pass through air/brine ejector.

The ejector pump draws sea water from lower chest of sea and drive sea water to air ejector.

This sea water is passed through condenser to condense evaporated sea water and then discharge to overboard.

When Sea water pass through ejector it cross through narrow convergent divergent nozzle.

It provides venturi effect.

At the throat at narrow tube of air ejector the velocity of sea water increases and because of the venturi effect it pressure decreases ,vacuum will occur in the diffuser throat .

Two line attached with diffuser throat of air ejector ,one with condenser and other one with Evaporator.

At the diffuser throat vacuum will occur and thus suction line will be provided.

Thus,Vacuum is created in fresh water generator.

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