Mcleod gauge: What it is, Working, Principle, Diagram, Formula, Advantages and Disadvantages

what is mcleod gauge ?

The McLeod gauge is a type of pressure measurement device commonly used in vacuum systems. It was invented by Colin McLeod in 1874 and is still used today in various scientific and industrial applications.

The McLeod gauge operates based on the principle of compressing a known volume of gas and measuring the pressure exerted by the compressed gas. The gauge consists of a glass tube with a graduated scale and a mercury column. The gas sample is trapped in a small capillary tube connected to the glass tube.

To measure the pressure, the capillary tube is heated, causing the gas sample to expand and fill the glass tube. As the gas expands, it displaces the mercury in the column. By measuring the change in the height of the mercury column, the pressure of the gas sample can be determined using Boyle’s law.

The McLeod gauge is particularly useful for measuring very low pressures in the range of 10^-3 to 10^-9 Torr (1 Torr = 1 mmHg). It provides a reliable and accurate measurement in this pressure range, which is often encountered in high-vacuum applications.

One advantage of the McLeod gauge is its simplicity and robustness. It does not require any electrical components or moving parts, making it less prone to mechanical failures. However, it does have some limitations. The measurement process is time-consuming and requires careful calibration. Additionally, the gauge is not suitable for measuring high pressures or pressures containing reactive gases.


The McLeod gauge, named after its inventor Colin McLeod, has a rich history in the field of pressure measurement. Here is a brief overview of the history of the McLeod gauge:

The McLeod gauge was invented in 1874 by Colin McLeod, a Scottish chemist and physicist. McLeod was interested in accurately measuring low pressures, particularly in vacuum systems. Prior to his invention, measuring pressures below atmospheric pressure was a challenging task.

McLeod’s invention provided a breakthrough in accurately measuring low pressures. His gauge allowed scientists and engineers to explore and understand vacuum systems with greater precision. The McLeod gauge became particularly valuable in scientific research, industrial processes, and the development of vacuum technology.

mcleod gauge parts

Certainly! Here’s an expanded explanation of the different parts of a McLeod gauge:

1) Working Fluid or Measuring Fluid: The working fluid, also known as the measuring fluid, refers to the gas sample being measured for its pressure. It is the gas of interest within the vacuum system or chamber. The working fluid is carefully introduced into the McLeod gauge, where it will undergo compression and expansion for pressure measurement purposes.

2) Mercury (Hg) Reservoir: The mercury reservoir is a small chamber or container within the McLeod gauge that holds a certain quantity of liquid mercury. It acts as a reference for measuring pressure changes. Mercury is commonly used due to its high density and chemical inertness, ensuring stable and reliable pressure measurements.

3) Reference Column: The reference column is a vertical column of liquid mercury present within the glass tube of the McLeod gauge. It is connected to the mercury reservoir and serves as a reference height against which the pressure exerted by the gas sample can be measured. The height of the reference column is typically calibrated and marked on the graduated scale of the gauge.

4) Reference Capillary: The reference capillary is a small tube that connects the mercury reservoir to the reference column. It allows the smooth flow of liquid mercury between the two components. The dimensions and design of the reference capillary are carefully chosen to facilitate controlled flow and maintain pressure equilibrium within the gauge.

5) Bulb: The bulb, also referred to as the expansion bulb or measuring bulb, is a chamber or volume within the McLeod gauge where the gas sample is initially trapped. Typically made of glass, the bulb provides a known and controlled volume for the gas sample. It is connected to the rest of the gauge via the measurement capillary.

6) Measurement Capillary: The measurement capillary is a thin tube or capillary that connects the bulb to the glass tube containing the reference column. It serves as a pathway for the gas sample to expand into the glass tube as it is heated. The dimensions and characteristics of the measurement capillary are critical for controlling the gas flow and ensuring accurate pressure measurements.

By combining these components, the McLeod gauge enables compression and expansion of the gas sample, allowing for the measurement of its pressure. The working fluid, mercury reservoir, reference column, reference capillary, bulb, and measurement capillary work in concert to provide an accurate determination of the pressure exerted by the gas sample within the low-pressure range.

Must Read : Manometer

mcleod gauge working principle

The McLeod gauge operates based on the principle of Boyle’s law. Boyle’s law states that when the temperature remains constant, the product of the initial pressure and volume of a gas is equal to the product of the final pressure and volume of the gas.

Mathematically, Boyle’s law is represented as:

P1V1 = P2V2

where P1 and V1 are the initial pressure and volume of the gas, and P2 and V2 are the final pressure and volume of the gas, respectively.

In the case of the McLeod gauge, the known volume of the gas sample is initially at a certain pressure (P1) and volume (V1). The gas sample is then compressed into a smaller volume within the McLeod gauge, resulting in a higher pressure (P2) due to the reduced volume (V2).

By measuring the final pressure (P2) and knowing the initial volume (V1), the McLeod gauge allows for the determination of the pressure of the gas sample. The change in volume can be inferred from the change in the height of the mercury column in the gauge, which is directly related to the pressure exerted by the gas sample.

Thus, the McLeod gauge utilizes Boyle’s law to relate the initial and final volumes of the gas sample, enabling accurate pressure measurements in the low-pressure range. By calibrating the gauge and considering the known volume changes, the pressure of the gas sample can be determined using the relationship described by Boyle’s law.

mcleod gauge working

The McLeod gauge operates based on a two-step process: compression and expansion. Here is a detailed explanation of the working of the McLeod gauge:


  • The gas sample, also known as the working fluid, is initially trapped in the expansion bulb of the McLeod gauge.
  • External pressure or a compression mechanism is applied to compress the gas sample into a smaller volume within the bulb.
  • As the gas sample is compressed, its pressure increases due to the reduced volume.
  • The compression process is performed while the temperature remains constant.


  • After the compression, the next step is to allow the gas sample to expand.
  • The gas sample in the expansion bulb is heated, causing it to increase in volume.
  • As the gas expands, it displaces the liquid mercury in the reference column.
  • The height of the mercury column decreases in proportion to the increase in gas volume, reflecting the pressure exerted by the gas sample.

Pressure Measurement:

  • The change in the height of the mercury column is observed and measured using the graduated scale on the glass tube of the McLeod gauge.
  • The calibrated scale provides a quantitative measurement of the pressure exerted by the gas sample.
  • By comparing the initial height of the mercury column with the final height, the pressure of the gas sample can be determined.

In summary, the McLeod gauge works by compressing a known volume of gas to increase its pressure, and then allowing the gas to expand, displacing the liquid mercury in the reference column. The change in the height of the mercury column is used to determine the pressure exerted by the gas sample, providing accurate measurements in the low-pressure range. The working principle relies on the relationship between gas volume, pressure, and the displacement of the liquid mercury, while ensuring that the temperature remains constant during the process.

McLeod gauge derivation

The McLeod gauge derives its pressure measurement capability based on Boyle’s law and the principles of hydrostatic pressure. Here is a step-by-step derivation of the McLeod gauge:

To derive the formula P1 = ah2/V1 for the McLeod gauge, we’ll follow the steps below:

Boyle’s Law:

  • Boyle’s law states that the product of pressure (P) and volume (V) of a gas at constant temperature is constant. Mathematically, it is represented as P1V1 = P2V2, where P1 and V1 are the initial pressure and volume, and P2 and V2 are the final pressure and volume.

Initial State:

  • Let’s consider the initial state of the McLeod gauge, where the gas sample is trapped in the expansion bulb. The initial pressure and volume are denoted as P1 and V1, respectively.


  • After the compression, the gas sample expands, filling the glass tube connected to the expansion bulb. This expansion displaces the liquid mercury in the reference column of the McLeod gauge.
  • Let h2 represent the height of the mercury column in the reference column after the gas expansion.

Pressure Calculation:

  • Based on Boyle’s law, P1V1 = P2V2. Since the volume V1 is known and fixed, we can rewrite it as P1 = (P2V2) / V1.

Hydrostatic Pressure:

  • The hydrostatic pressure of the mercury column in the reference column is given by P_hydrostatic = ρgh, where ρ is the density of mercury, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the mercury column.

Pressure Equivalence:

  • By equating the pressure of the gas sample (P1) to the hydrostatic pressure of the mercury column (P_hydrostatic), we have P1 = P_hydrostatic.
  • Substituting the formula for P_hydrostatic, we get P1 = ρgh2.

Combining Formulas:

  • Combining the expression for P1 from step 4 and P1 from step 6, we have (P2V2) / V1 = ρgh2.


  • Rearranging the equation, we obtain P1 = (ρgh2V1) / V2.

Constant Factor:

  • Introducing a constant factor, denoted as a, we can rewrite the equation as P1 = ah2(V1 / V2).

Volume Ratio:

  • Recognizing that V1 / V2 is the ratio of the initial volume to the final volume, we replace it with Vr, yielding the final formula P1 = ah2Vr.

In summary, the derived formula for the McLeod gauge is P1 = ah2Vr, where P1 is the pressure of the gas sample, a is a constant factor, h2 is the height of the mercury column, and Vr represents the volume ratio of the gas sample.

mcleod gauge is used to measure

The McLeod gauge is primarily used to measure low pressures in the range of 10^-3 to 10^-9 Torr (or millimeters of mercury, mmHg). It is specifically designed for accurate pressure measurements in the high-vacuum range.

application of mcleod gauge

The McLeod gauge finds application in various scientific and industrial settings where accurate pressure measurements in the low-pressure range are required. Some of the specific applications of the McLeod gauge include:

  1. Vacuum Systems: McLeod gauges are commonly used in vacuum systems to measure pressures in the high-vacuum range, typically below 10^-3 Torr. They provide accurate readings in this range, making them valuable tools for monitoring and controlling vacuum processes.
  2. Research and Development: In scientific research and development, the McLeod gauge is used to measure pressures in experimental setups and chambers. It allows researchers to precisely monitor and control the vacuum conditions, which is crucial for many experiments and processes.
  3. Semiconductor Manufacturing: McLeod gauges are employed in the semiconductor industry during the production of microchips and other electronic components. They help maintain the desired vacuum levels for deposition, etching, and other manufacturing processes, ensuring consistent quality and performance of the final products.
  4. Thin Film Deposition: In applications such as physical vapor deposition (PVD) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD), where thin films are deposited onto surfaces, the McLeod gauge assists in monitoring and controlling the pressure inside the deposition chamber. This is important for achieving the desired film thickness and quality.
  5. Space Simulation Chambers: The McLeod gauge is utilized in space simulation chambers to replicate the vacuum conditions of outer space. These chambers are used for testing spacecraft components, satellite instruments, and other space-related equipment to ensure their performance in the harsh environment of space.
  6. Leak Detection: McLeod gauges can also be employed in leak detection systems. By monitoring the pressure changes over time, they can help identify and locate leaks in vacuum systems or sealed containers.

It’s worth noting that while the McLeod gauge has been widely used in the past, newer technologies such as capacitance manometers and ionization gauges are now more commonly used for vacuum pressure measurements. These technologies offer faster response times, broader pressure ranges, and other advantages in certain applications. However, the McLeod gauge still remains relevant and reliable for specific low-pressure measurement requirements.

advantage mcleod gauge

The McLeod gauge offers several advantages that make it a valuable tool for pressure measurement in specific applications. Here are some advantages of the McLeod gauge:

  1. Accuracy: The McLeod gauge provides accurate pressure measurements in the low-pressure range, typically from 10^-3 to 10^-9 Torr. It is known for its precision in this specific pressure range, making it suitable for applications that require high accuracy.
  2. Reliability: The gauge has a simple design with no electrical components or moving parts. This simplicity enhances its reliability and reduces the risk of mechanical failures. The absence of moving parts also means there is no friction or wear that could affect its performance over time.
  3. Robustness: The McLeod gauge is robust and can withstand harsh environmental conditions. It is resistant to factors such as vibrations, temperature variations, and electromagnetic interference, making it suitable for use in various industrial and scientific settings.
  4. Calibration: Calibration of the McLeod gauge is relatively straightforward compared to some other pressure measurement devices. With proper calibration, the gauge can provide accurate and consistent readings over its operational range.
  5. Cost-Effective: Compared to some advanced pressure measurement technologies, the McLeod gauge is generally more affordable. It offers a cost-effective solution for applications that specifically require accurate pressure measurements in the low-pressure range.
  6. Compatibility: The McLeod gauge can handle a wide range of gases, including noble gases and non-reactive gases. This versatility makes it compatible with various gas environments, expanding its applicability across different industries.

It’s important to note that while the McLeod gauge has its advantages, it also has limitations. It is not suitable for measuring high pressures or pressures containing reactive gases. Additionally, the measurement process can be time-consuming, and the gauge requires periodic calibration to maintain accuracy. Nonetheless, the McLeod gauge remains a reliable and useful tool for specific low-pressure measurement requirements.

disadvantages of mcleod gauge

While the McLeod gauge offers several advantages, it also has some limitations and disadvantages. Here are a few of them:

  1. Limited Pressure Range: The McLeod gauge is specifically designed for measuring pressures in the low-pressure range, typically from 10^-3 to 10^-9 Torr. It is not suitable for measuring higher pressures or pressures outside this range. If pressure measurements beyond this range are required, alternative pressure measurement devices must be used.
  2. Time-Consuming Measurement Process: The measurement process of the McLeod gauge can be time-consuming compared to some other pressure measurement technologies. The gauge requires heating the capillary tube to expand the gas sample and waiting for the pressure equilibrium to be established. This time delay can be a limitation in applications that require rapid pressure measurements or real-time monitoring.
  3. Calibration Complexity: While the calibration of the McLeod gauge is generally straightforward, it does require periodic calibration to maintain accuracy. Calibration involves careful measurements and adjustments to ensure that the gauge provides reliable and consistent readings. This calibration process can be more involved compared to some other pressure measurement devices.
  4. Fragility: The McLeod gauge is made of glass, which makes it relatively fragile compared to pressure measurement devices with more robust construction. It can be more susceptible to damage from physical impact or mishandling. This fragility can limit its use in certain environments or applications where ruggedness is a requirement.
  5. Gas Compatibility: Although the McLeod gauge is compatible with a wide range of gases, including noble gases and non-reactive gases, it may not be suitable for measuring pressures containing reactive or corrosive gases. The presence of reactive gases can affect the accuracy and reliability of the measurements or potentially damage the gauge.
  6. Advancements in Technology: With the advancements in pressure measurement technologies, alternative devices such as capacitance manometers and ionization gauges have become more popular and offer advantages over the McLeod gauge in certain applications. These newer technologies often provide faster response times, broader pressure ranges, and improved accuracy.

Despite these disadvantages, the McLeod gauge remains a reliable and useful tool for specific low-pressure measurement requirements, especially when high accuracy is needed in the low-pressure range.

What is the measurement of pressure by using McLeod gauge?

The McLeod gauge is capable of measuring pressure in the low-pressure range, typically from 10^-3 to 10^-9 Torr (or millimeters of mercury, mmHg). It is specifically designed for accurate pressure measurements in the high-vacuum range.

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