Factories Act 1948 – Complete Overview

Various act relating to accidents are spelt in workmen’s compensation Act 1923. The factories Act 1948 and fatal Accidents Act -1855.

Factories Act 1948

What is Factories Act 1948

The Factories Act, 1948 provides safeguard for workers to protect health, provides for safety at the workplace when dealing with machinery, improves the physical conditions of the workplace, and provides welfare amenities. Only factories are covered by the Act.

What do you mean by Factories Act 1948

The Factories Act 1948 is a social legislation which has been enacted for occupational safety, health and welfare of workers at work places. The objective of the Act is to regulate the conditions of work in manufacturing establishments coming within the definition of the term ‘factory’ as used in the Act.

What is Factories Act Explanation in Details

The Factories Act 1948 provides safeguard for workers to protect health, provides for safety at the workplace when dealing with machinery, improves the physical conditions of the workplace, and provides welfare amenities. Only factories are covered by the Act.

What are the main objectives of Factories Act 1948

The main objectives of the Indian Factories Act 1948 are to regulate the working conditions in factories, to regulate health, safety welfare, and annual leave and enact special provision in respect of young persons, women and children who work in the factories.

The main objective of the Act is not only to ensure adequate safety measures but also to promote health and welfare of the workers employed in factories as well as to prevent haphazard growth of factories.

What is Factory Act India

The Factories Act 1948 (Act No. 63 of 1948), as amended by the Factories (Amendment) Act, 1987 (Act 20 of 1987), served to assist in formulating national policies in India with respect to occupational safety and health in factories and docks in India.

When was Factories act Introduced


In 1833 Parliament passed a new Factory Act. Previous Acts had been restricted to the cotton industry, but the 1833 Act also applied to the older woollen producing communities in and around Yorkshire which had been ignored in previous legislation.

What are the penal provisions under the Factories Act?

This section states that in case there is any kind of contravention with the laws of the Act, then the occupier and the manager of the factory will be equally responsible for the breaking of the law. They will be punishable for with imprisonment upto 2 years and fine upto Rs. 2 lakhs.

What are the provisions of Indian factory Act with regards to welfare of workers?

This section states that every factory should:

(a) Firstly, provide and maintain adequate and suitable facilities for washing for all the workers in the factory
(b) Secondly, provide separate and adequately screened facilities separately for men and women.
(c) Thirdly, make accessible all the facilities to all the workers

When was the first factory Act passed in India?

During Lord Ripon’s time, the first Factories Act was adopted in 1881. Following this act , a Factory Commission was appointed in 1885. There was another Factories Act in 1891, and a Royal Commission on Labor was appointed in 1892. The result of these enactments wa

When was factory Act implemented in India?

THE FACTORIES ACT 1948 ACT NO. 63 OF 1948 1* [23rd September, 1948.] An Act to consolidate and amend the law regulating labour in factories.

Who introduced first Factory Act in India?

Dissatisfied with the outcome of Hobhouse’s efforts, in 1832 Michael Thomas Sadler introduced a Bill extending the protection existing Factory Acts gave to children working in the cotton industry to those in other textile industries, and reducing to ten per day the working hours of children in the industries legislated

When was the Factories Act 1948 passed by Constituent Assembly *?

August 28, 1948
Therefore, the Factories Act 1948 consolidating and amending the law relating to labour in factories, was passed by the Constituent Assembly on August 28, 1948. The Act received the assent of Governor General of India on 23 September 1948 and came into force on April 1, 1949.

What was the Factory Act of 1901?

No child or young person was to clean mill machinery while it was in motion. The Act limited the hours worked by children to six and a half, with three hours’ schooling, and set a maximum 12-hour day for young people between 13 and 18.

What was the British Factory Act of 1847?

The Factories Act 1847, also known as the Ten Hours Act was a United Kingdom Act of Parliament which restricted the working hours of women and young persons (13-18) in textile mills to 10 hours per day.

What was the purpose of Factory Act ?

In 1833 the Government passed a Factory Act to improve conditions for children working in factories. Young children were working very long hours in workplaces where conditions were often terrible. The basic act was as follows: no child workers under nine years of age.

What did the Factory Act of 1819 do?

Cotton Mills and Factories Act of 1819

An 1819 Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom that stated that no children under 9 were to be employed and that children aged 9–16 years were limited to 12 hours’ work per day. It applied to the cotton industry only, but covered all children, whether apprentices or not.

What was the Factory Act of 1867?

The law established a factory inspector and six deputy inspector positions, with power to inspect all workplaces employing women and children.

What was the Factory Act of 1850?

The Factory Act helped with cutting the long working hours from ten to fifteen hours to only ten hours a day and this gave workers a consistent work schedule. The Factory Act of 1850 limited the work during the day and made home life easier. Times were restricted as to when people could work

Who is required to register under Factories Act?

An occupier of a factory is required to obtain a Licence under the provisions of Rule 4 of the Delhi Factories Rules, 1950. The occupier is required to get himself registered through “Citizen Registration Form” available at e-District Delhi portal.

What caused the Factory Act of 1833?

The Factory Act of 1833, passed after Sadler had left Parliament, restricted the working day in textile mills to 12 hours for persons aged 13 through 17, and 8 hours for those aged 9 through 12.

What are the provisions regarding welfare of workers?

Provisions related to Welfare (Under Factories Act 1948) This section notes that every factory has to: First, provide and maintain adequate and sufficient washing facilities for all the factory workers. Second, separate and properly screened facilities for men and women shall be provided separately.

What are the provisions of the Factories Act 1948 with regard to appointment of welfare officers?

As per the provisions of Section 49 of the Factories Act 1948 any factory employing more than 500 workers is required to employ a Welfare Officer. As per the details available 235 units were required to appoint the welfare officers. However, 223 units have actually appointed the welfare officers.

What are the provisions in the factory Act relating to the welfare of the workers?

Adequate and suitable shelters, rest rooms, and lunch rooms with drinking water facility shall be made in factories employing 150 workers or more. Workers can eat meals brought by them in such rooms. Rest and lunch rooms shall be sufficiently lighted and ventilated. It shall be maintained in cool and clean conditions.

What are the provisions of factory act 1948

The main objective of the Act is not only to ensure adequate safety measures but also to promote health and welfare of the workers employed in factories as well as to prevent haphazard growth of factories.

Workmen’s compensation Act – 1923

Section 3 of workmen’s compensation Act provides employer’s liability for compensation.

Compensation is dependent on four conditions.

1. Injury must be personal.
2. Injury must be by an accident.
3. Accidents must have arisen out of and during employment.
4. Injury must have resulted either in death or total or a partial disablement for a period exceeding three days.

Section 4 lays down the Amoy of compensation payable to the workers for four  Categories ranging from temporary disabment to death.
Section 10 also specify the employer’s  liability to report fatal accident to an authority.

Factories Act 1948

This Act defines various terms of factories like manufacturing process machinery, worker, power, prime movers etc.

Section 21 lays down rules for fencing of machinery for safeguard and also the provision for work on or near machinery in motion. Section 23 of the act provides clauses to ban employment of young persons on dangerous machines.

The following machines are accepted as dangerous machines:

1. Decorticator and expeller.
2.Milling Machines used in metal trades.
3. Guillotine machines
4. Power presses other than hydraulic presses.
5. Planten printing machine
6. Circular saw

The Factories Act, 1948 also provides provisions relating to safety measures for the workers employed herein. This is to ensure safety of workers working on or around the machines. The detailed information on each provision relating to safety measures is under:

Section 17 : Under section it has been described that there should be a proper arrangement of lighting in factories. In every part of the factory where workers are working for passing should be well equipped with lighting arrangement either by natural sources or artificial sources.

Section 21 : This section specify that fencing of machinery is necessary. That any moving part of the machinery or machinery that is dangerous in kind should be properly fenced.

Section 23 : This section prescribes that employment of young person on dangerous machinery is not allowed. In the case where he is been fully instructed in the usage of machinery and working under the supervision he might be allowed to work on it.

Section 24 : This section specifies provision for striking gear and devices for cutting off power for safety. Other measures and provisions are self acting machines (section 25 ), Hoists and lifts (section 28 by Act 20 of 1987 ), Revolving machinery (section 30 ), Pressure plant (section 31 ), Precaution against dangerous fumes (Section 36 ), and precaution in case of fire (Section 38 ). Section 88 places on obligation on the management to notify accidents.

Section 28: This section prohibits working of women and children on a specific machinery. As per this section women and children should not be appointed for any part of factory working on cotton pressing.

Section 32: In this section it has been specified that all floors, stairs, passages, and gangways should be properly constructed and maintained, so that there are no chances of slips or fall.

Section 35 : This section provides specification regarding safety and protection of eyes of workers. It mentions that factory should provide specific goggles or screens to the workers who are involved in manufacturing work that may cause injury to eyes.

Section 36 : As per this section it is provided that no worker shall be forced to enter any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe, flue other confined space in any factory in which any gas, fume, vapour or dust is likely to be present to such an extent as to involve risk to persons being overcome thereby.

Section 38 : As per this section this section there should be proper precautionary measures built for fire. There should be safe mean to escape in case of fire, and also necessary equipments and facilities to extinguish fire.

Section 45 : This section specifies that in every factory there should be proper maintained and well equipped first aid box or cupboard with the prescribed contents. For every 150 workers employed at one time, there shall not be less than one first aid box in the factory. Also in case where there are more than 500 workers there should be well maintained ambulance room of prescribed size and containing proper facility.

This was all the details about factories Act 1948 and all its section.

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