General engineering knowledge and motor
- What is stuffing box?
- What are the rotating mechanism of exhaust valves?
- How is lube oil for cross head is delivered?
- What is the difference between stuffing box drain and scavenge drain oil?
- What is the role of thrust bearing and location?
- Why fuel timing is important and how the same is checked?
- How BHP is calculated with indicator diagram?
- Why expansion tank is provided in jacket water system?
- What is the difference between auxiliary and main engine governor?
- What do you understand by specific cylinder oil consumption?
- What inspection you carry out after grounding of the vessel?
- What is supercharging?
- What is the difference between RTA and RND engine?
- How will you take tappet clearance?
- How will you check main, big end, thrust and cross head bearing clearances?
- What are the normal clearances obtained?
- What are the causes of sudden over speed of main engine?
- What are the causes of engine power loss?
- What are the causes of speed fluctuation of engine?
- What are the causes of reduced compression pressure?
Meo Class 4 General engineering knowledge and motor
- What are the causes of knocking?
- What is ignition delay and how to reduce it?
- What will you do for proper atomisation?
- What is the difference between clearance volume and swept volume?
- What is overlapping in fuel timing?
- What is the material of cooler tubes?
- Describe rudder dismantling?
- Describe propeller dismantling?
- What are main engine interlocks?
- What is crank case explosion and how it occurs?
- Scavenge fire reasons and remedy?
- Explain about exhaust gas heat recovery system?
- Causes of starting air line explosion?
- Why tappet clearance is needed?
- Describe crankcase relief valve?
- What is dead man’s alarm?
- How to take the liner calibration?
- How many types of fuel pumps are used in marine diesel engines?
- What action you will do after De-carbonization of an auxiliary engine?
- What will be your action on a vibrating turbocharger?
- How to overhaul a fuel injector?
- What are main engine safety devices?
- How differential pressure switch works?
- What is CPP?
- What is the difference between SMC and ordinary engine?
- How will you decarbonise your main engine?
- Why noises coming from telescopic pipes?
- How oil mist detector works?
- How to remove crankshaft?
- How to take crankshaft deflection?
- What is starting air overlapping
- What are the difference between naturally aspirated engine and supercharged engine?
- What are the functions of turbocharger inducer, diffuser, diaphram and labyrinth seal?
- What is turbo charger surging?
- Describe constant pressure and pulse type turbo charger.
- What is the quantity of lube oil in 4 stroke and 2 stroke engines?
- What is stroke?
- RPM of Low, Medium and High speed engines?
- Discuss Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual cycle and Actual cycle
- Timing diagram of 2-stroke engine
- Timing diagram of 4-stroke engine
- Difference between 2-stroke and 4-stroke engine?
- What is stroke to bore ratio?
- What is mean effective pressure?
- What is turbocharger?
- Why air is passes through the air cooler?
- How you prepare Main engine in 1 hour notice?
- What is the purpose of cylinder relief valve?
- At what speed air break for main engine can be given?
- Causes of water coming out during blow through?
- Procedure to take over a watch?
- Material of Piston, Connecting Rod, etc.
- What is Cross flow, Loop flow and Uniflow scavenging?
- What is over speed trip and how it works?
- Types of IC Engines ?